I Understand and Accept the Conditions of Participation.

The Golden Leader Awards is a free platform where everyone working in business life in Turkey can participate and share their opinions with their votes.
After collecting all the votes with our digital infrastructure, the 50 CEOs with the highest votes, the 50 CFOs with the highest votes, the 50 CMOs with the highest votes, and the 50 CHROs with the highest votes will receive the 2024 Gold Leader Award.
Voting will end on December 5, 2025.
Winning Leaderboards will be announced at the Gala Nights to be held in 12-13-14-15 January 2026. CHRO Gala Night on 12 January, CMO Gala Night on 13 January, CFO Gala Night on 14 January, and CEO Gala Night will be held on 15 January 2025.

Voting Participation Conditions:
• Must be over 18 years old and working in a workplace.
• Employees can also vote for a leader in any company they desire.
All employees of companies wishing to support their leaders can vote.
• In order for your vote to be considered valid, please fill in the full name, surname and company of the leader in the category you voted for.
• For the integrity o voting procedures, you are required to vote for all your candidates for the CEO, CMO, CFO and CHRO
  posts at the same time. You may skip any post but you may not vote again for the mssing post or candidate once your vote is registered.
• Persons participating in accordance with the principle of equality have "the right to vote only once".
• The security of the voting process will be carried out via a verification SMS sent to your mobile phone.
• All votes are kept confidential to ensure that voters can vote with confidence.